Consumer information
Why use a professional covered by a scheme?
Professional service
Every association covered by a Professional Standards Scheme is expected to set high professional standards, and show that they oversee and enforce compliance with these standards by their members.
More protection for you
Professional Standards Schemes require each professional to have insurance or assets in place to meet any damages awarded at or below the formal liability limit.
Associations responsible for the professionals you deal with must also demonstrate that they expect and enforce high standards of practice by their members. These include things such as continuing professional development and risk management requirements, which reduce the risk of things going wrong in the first place.
A clear course of action if your expectations aren’t met
Every association covered by a Professional Standards Scheme must have effective complaints handling systems and disciplinary procedures.
So if you believe that the person you’ve dealt with has acted unprofessionally or breached their professional standards, you can make a complaint to their association.
If you’ve suffered a financial loss or have otherwise been affected as a result, you may be able to take legal action – in which case, if you’re awarded damages, the professional’s obligation under professional standards legislation to have adequate insurance will be vital.