News and publications

Scheme notifications

We publish a notification of a scheme whenever an association applies for a new Professional Standards Scheme, or asks to amend its existing one. This would also occur in the unusual event that revocation of a scheme is proposed.  

Members of the public then have up to four weeks to submit comments to the Professional Standards Councils. Any comments received are considered by the Councils before they decide whether to approve, amend, or revoke the scheme.

Current public notifications

There are no current public notifications.

Expired public notifications

The following notifications are no longer open for comment. The notifications are listed here for reference only. Please note that the final scheme instrument approved by the Council(s) and published in the Government Gazette by the Minister(s) may not be identical to the scheme that was publicly notified and listed on this page.

Contact us at to request a zip file of all relevant scheme documents and notices for that date.

Association Notification

Association of Consulting Surveyors National (CSN)

New scheme (11 December 2019)

Association of Taxation and Management Accountants (ATMA)

New scheme (20 June 2012)

Australian Computer Society (ACS)

New scheme (26 June 2024)
New scheme (1 Jan 2019)
New scheme (9 October 2015)
Amendment (29 April 2011)
New scheme (20 May 2009)

Australian Institute of Building Surveyors (AIBS)

New scheme (1 July 2021)

Australian Property Institute Valuers Limited (APIV)

New scheme (1 September 2021)
Amendment (21 February 2019)
New scheme and amendment (2 Aug 2017)
New scheme (8 January 2016)
Amendment (1 April 2011)
New scheme (2 June 2010)

Bar Association of Queensland

New scheme (1 July 2024)
New scheme (1 July 2019)
New scheme (27 February 2013)

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ)
formerly known as Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA)

New Scheme (21 February 2019)
New Scheme (8 March 2017)
Amendment (22 June 2015)
New schemes (12 August 2013)
New schemes (21 February 2013)

College of Investigative and Remedial Consulting Engineers of Australia (CIRCEA)

New scheme (19 October 2012)

CPA Australia

New scheme (17 April 2019)
New scheme (25 October 2017)
CPA NT Instrument (9 April 2014)
CPA Amendment (6 August 2014)
Amendment (22 November 2013)
New scheme (9 August 2013)

Engineers Australia

New Scheme (14 July 2015)
Amendment (25 October 2013)
Amendment (19 October 2012)

Institute of Public Accountants (IPA)

New scheme (1 July 2022)
New scheme (22 June 2018)
Amendment (1 September 2017)
New scheme (22 October 2012)

Law Institute of Victoria

New Scheme (8 Jan 2016)
Amendment (21 December 2012)

Law Society of NSW

New scheme (26 June 2024)
New scheme (27 April 2018)
New scheme (8 February 2012)

Law Society of South Australia

Amendment (5 October 2017)
New scheme (9 December 2016)
New scheme (23 May 2011)
New scheme (6 October 2021)

Law Society of Western Australia

New scheme (1 July 2024)
New scheme (1 July 2019)

New South Wales Bar Association (NSW Bar)

New scheme (1 July 2025)
Amendment (5 October 2017)
New scheme (1 October 2014)
Amendment (5 October 2011)
New scheme (21 April 2010)

Professional Surveyors Occupational Association (PSOA)

New scheme (14 August 2013)
Amendment (30 September 2009)

Queensland Law Society

New scheme (25 March 2016)
New scheme (4 November 2009)
New scheme (6 October 2021)

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Valuers 

Amendment (15 July 2016)
New scheme (9 October 2015)

South Australian Bar Association (SA Bar)

New scheme (29 March 2017)
New scheme (17 June 2011)

Strata Community Association (NSW) (SCA NSW)

New scheme (1 July 2021)

Victorian Bar

New scheme (1 July 2019)
New scheme (22 November 2013)
Amendment (5 October 2011)
Amendment (30 September 2009)

Western Austrailan Bar Association

New scheme (13 December 2013)