f Media Release: Professional Standards Councils’ 2018-19 Annual Report Now Available | Professional Standards Councils

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Media Release: Professional Standards Councils’ 2018-19 Annual Report Now Available

The Professional Standards Councils have published their 2018-19 Annual Report, prepared in accordance with the relevant professional standards legislation in each Australian state and territory.

The Annual report is a consolidated volume of the Councils’ work and activities over the past year, in regulating for improved professional standards and better consumer protection in the delivery of professional services across Australia. 

Professional Standards Councils’ Chair, John Vines OAM, observed that the reporting period began with Councils’ publication of Strategy 2021, which is a statement of intent for ensuring that the national system of professional standards regulation is contemporary and clearly focused on consumer protection.

“Looking back over the past year, there is much that has been accomplished through the collective efforts of the Councils, the Professional Standards Authority, the participating jurisdictional Departments and the regulated associations”, Mr Vines said.

Australian consumers and professionals continue to benefit from the operation of professional standards schemes. In the year ahead, Councils will be taking initiatives to enhance the system.

“Our aim will be to ensure the application framework is robust in enabling the creation of professional standards schemes by Councils, as we seek to balance the interests of consumers of professional and other services and those of self-regulating professions and occupations”, Mr Vines said.

Professional Standards Authority’s Chief Executive Officer, Roxane Marcelle-Shaw, said the 2018-2019 Annual Report data shows over 77,000 professionals participating in 17 professional standards schemes across Australia. It highlights the delivery of improved scheme compliance rates, with a 6.8% increase in association members covered by a scheme.

“Central to the Authority’s role in supporting Councils is our ability to monitor, analyse, assist and advise on the risk management strategies and compliance of each regulated association,” Ms Marcelle-Shaw said. 

Access the Professional Standards Councils 2018-19 Annual report. 

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