f Appointment to the Professional Standards Councils | Professional Standards Councils

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Appointment to the Professional Standards Councils

The Professional Standards Authority is pleased to advise of a new appointment to the Professional Standards Councils.  

The Northern Territory Attorney-General has nominated Mr Ross Springolo for appointment to the Councils, for a three-year term.  

An experienced accounting and governance professional, Mr Springolo brings expertise in administration, compliance, and financial management to the Councils.  

We welcome Mr Springolo to the Councils and look forward to working with him in this important leadership role to protect Australian consumers by improving professional standards.  

The appointment of a new representative arose following the retirement of the former member for the Northern Territory, Mr Iain Summers, who had served on the Councils since 2005. 

At their December 2023 meeting, the Councils farewelled Mr Summers, who was acknowledged for his significant contributions to the national system of professional standards regulation over his 17 years of service. 

Biographies of all Councils members can be found here