Annual Professional Standards Improvement Program (PSIP) reporting by regulated associations closed on 31 March 2018.
The Professional Standards Authority is pleased that 95% of regulated associations with schemes active in 2017 submitted their reports on time.
The PSA released its 2017 annual reporting template with some improvements, providing a basis for year-on-year and cross sectional analysis, and further guidance in response to feedback.
“Responsibility for ensuring improvement in the delivery of professional standards schemes rests with the governing body of each association,” said Professional Standards Authority CEO, Roxane Marcelle-Shaw.
“Annual reporting under the Professional Standards Legislation provides the governing body with an important mechanism for self-assessment of progress and proactive management of obligations. It is also an opportunity for the governing body to receive assurance as to the performance of its scheme”.
Ms Marcelle-Shaw commended associations for meeting their reporting obligations in a timely fashion.
The Professional Standards Councils will now review the reports to ensure associations are meeting their compliance obligations, including improvement of professional standards. The review will also help to identify issues and trends which are reported back to associations individually and collectively to strengthen consumer protection and advance self-regulatory capacity. Professional Standards Authority Director of Professional Schemes, John R. Rappell said: “Associations with an approved professional standards scheme make a significant commitment to the development of their professional standards systems and their self-regulatory capacity.
“Submitting and acting upon an annual report of the association’s Professional Standards Improvement Program is a major part of meeting statutory scheme obligations and ensuring the benefits of the scheme are delivered to the association’s members and consumers”.
PSIP Reporting cycle
The diagram below shows the Professional Standards Improvement Program reporting cycle.
Ms Marcelle-Shaw said: “I encourage associations to continue their positive engagement with us in responding to the feedback that will follow the Councils review”.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the PSIP reporting cycle or if we can assist in other ways.