f CA ANZ Thought Leadership Forum | Professional Standards Councils

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CA ANZ Thought Leadership Forum

The Chief Executive Officer of the Professional Standards Councils, Dr Deen Sanders, recently spoke at CA ANZ’s annual Thought Leadership Forum at RMIT Melbourne. 

The forum brought together members of professional associations in Australia and New Zealand, the business community, individual practitioners, academics and regulators to engage on key issues confronting society, work, globalisation, education, and the profession.

Specifically it provided a platform to debate and discuss questions around the future of professional associations, and how professional associations need to be relevant and responsive in an intensely networked inter-disciplinary world. It also looked at the factors causing the erosion of the ‘traditional’ notion of professionalism and how professional associations will need to operate in 2026.


(Photos courtesy of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.)

Dr Sanders joined Dr Brent Jackson, Executive General Manager (Engineers Australia), Debra Eckersley, Managing Partner - Human Capital (PwC), John Burgin, Regional Vice President, Australia and New Zealand (Cognizant Technology Solutions) and Ken Stephens, Partner (KPMG, New Zealand) to talk on the 'Future tensions in professional associations'. Watch it now:

Following on from this event, Dr Sanders will be joining the best and brightest business and finance professionals on May 16 & 17 at the Melbourne Business Forum 2016. 

Related Information

Relevance and Professional Associations in 2026: a CA ANZ's publication focussing on the themes raised at the thought leadership forum.