f Case Law Regarding Professional Standards Legislation | Professional Standards Councils

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Case Law Regarding Professional Standards Legislation

The Professional Standards Councils and the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office have cooperated to update the summary of cases where courts have considered the Professional Standards Legislation and the Professional Standards Schemes approved under that legislation. 

There are now 15 recorded cases and these are all gathered in one convenient place on the Professional Standards website at https://www.psc.gov.au/legislation/judicial-consideration 

The Professional Standards Councils and the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office have listed the main points raised in those 15 cases, including the key message for schemes arising from each case.   

We encourage all current and prospective associations to review these cases as an insight into how schemes may apply when pleaded to limit liability of defendants (as participating members) to the specified cap. 

For more information on Professional Standards Schemes, visit https://www.psc.gov.au/professional-standards-schemes