f Certificate to ACS in recognition for their Professional Standards Scheme extension | Professional Standards Councils

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Certificate to ACS in recognition for their Professional Standards Scheme extension

The Professional Standards Councils congratulates the Australian Computer Society (ACS) on the extension of their Professional Standards Scheme for an additional year by the Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation, the Hon Matt Kean. In late September, Acting CEO John Rappell presented the certificate to the ACS CEO, Andrew Johnson, and ACS President, Anthony Wong, at the ACS head office in Sydney.

The Professional Standards Scheme recognises the association's commitment to the improvement of professional standards and the protection of Australian consumers.

ACS's continuing commitment is recognised by the Professional Standards Councils. They have held a Professional Standard Scheme since 2010.  Acting CEO John Rappell commented, "We are very pleased to be assisting ACS with their Professional Standards Scheme, and the protection for members and their clients."