f Certificate presented to ACS | Professional Standards Councils

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Certificate presented to ACS

ACS certificate presentation

The Councils’ Chair, John Vines OAM, congratulates the Australian Computer Society on their third Professional Standards Scheme. Mr Vines presented a certificate in recognition of the new scheme to ACS Australia's National President, Yohan Ramasundar, on 14 February 2019.  

The new scheme will operate for five years, until 31 December 2023, extending to members in all states and territories of Australia. 

Mr Vines commented “The Councils’ approval of the new scheme recognises ACS’s commitment to the improvement of professional standards. ACS first had a scheme approved in 2010, and with each scheme since then the ACS has enhanced its self-regulatory capacity and its risk management systems. With this new scheme, the ACS will be extending coverage to an estimated 1,300 Certified Professional members, greatly expanding the protection available to its members and their clients.” 

The Councils supervision of the operation of the new scheme will support ACS in achieving its goal to protect consumers by requiring high standards of ICT professional services provided by its members.