f Certificate presented to the Victorian Bar | Professional Standards Councils

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Certificate presented to the Victorian Bar

Victorian Bar certificate

The Councils’ Chair, John Vines OAM, congratulates the Victorian Bar on their third Professional Standards Scheme. Mr Vines presented a certificate in recognition of the new scheme to the President of the Victorian Bar, Dr Matt Collins QC, on 25 March 2019. 

The new scheme is intended to commence on 1 July 2019 and will have force in all states and territories of Australia for five years. 

Mr Vines commented “The Councils are pleased that the Victorian Bar continues to demand high professional standards of all of its members. The Councils look forward to a continued co-operative relationship in the development of the Victorian Bar’s robust risk management strategies.” 

More than half of the Victorian Bar’s members participate in the scheme. The Councils expect to see this number increase over the life of the new scheme, consistent with the Victorian Bar’s commitment to protection of the consumers of its members’ services.