UPDATED: The period for comments and submissions is now closed.
The Professional Standards Councils of Western Australia and Victoria are inviting comments and submissions concerning two new professional standards schemes which are intended to begin on 1 July 2019.
The Law Society of Western Australia Scheme (Law Society WA Scheme) and The Victorian Bar Professional Standards Scheme (Vic Bar Scheme) will operate in all states and territories of Australia.
The Law Society of WA Scheme, prepared under the Professional Standards Act 1997 (WA), will apply to all participating legal practitioners in Western Australia who hold a current Australian practising certificate and who are not excluded or exempted from the scheme.
The Vic Bar Scheme, prepared under the Professional Standards Act 2003 (Vic), will apply to members of the Victorian Bar who hold a current barrister’s practising certificate issued by the Victorian Legal Services Board or the Victorian Bar; who are admitted to membership of the scheme by resolution of the Victorian Bar Council; and whose names remain on the scheme register maintained by the Victorian Bar Council.
Both schemes are intended to commence on 1 July 2019 and may remain in force for a period of five (5) years from commencement.
You can find more detail of the proposed schemes and how to make comments or submissions on our website under Current public notifications.