f Meet the panel for the next Professional Standards Forum | Professional Standards Councils

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Meet the panel for the next Professional Standards Forum

The next Professional Standards Councils’ Forum will be held in Sydney on 19 March 2020 on the theme ‘Putting the Consumer First in Ethics’.

The Forum will feature a panel of distinguished speakers who will lead a discussion on the opportunities and challenges in successfully regulating for ethical values, principles and behaviours that are consumer focused. 

The Councils’ member from South Australia, Mr Terry Evans, will share the Councils recent work to encourage and assist occupational associations in the development and implementation of consumer-centred codes of ethics.

Dr Justine Rogers, a Senior Lecturer at UNSW Law and a chief investigator in an Australian Research Council Linkage grant with the Professional Standards Councils on professionalism and professional regulation in the 21st Century, will present on the research and learnings in ethics and regulation from a consumer protection perspective.

Mr Ed Bradon, Principal Advisor with the Behavioural Insights Team, will introduce behavioural economics in the design and delivery of regulation and how to use insights to support implementation of codes of ethics to improve occupational standards. 

The morning panel session will be followed by a practical workshop, facilitated by the Behavioural Insights Team. Participants will learn ways in which behavioural insights can help regulators to drive and measure changes to deliver an effective code of ethics that improves consumer experiences and the trustworthiness of the profession or occupation.

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