f Meet the presenters for the Forum on 7 April | Professional Standards Councils

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Meet the presenters for the Forum on 7 April

The next Professional Standards Councils’ Forum is coming up on 7 April 2022, with registrations open to join the discussion on the theme of ‘Responding to risk – insurance and improvement strategies’. 

The April Forum will feature a panel of distinguished speakers who will lead a discussion on insurance and improvement strategies to assist associations to bring a focus to reducing risk and enhancing consumer protection. 

Iain Summers from the Professional Standards Councils will present insights from the Councils on risk management being at the heart of professional standards schemes, working to prevent harms to consumers and promote professionalism through continuous improvement of standards. 

Tom Lunn, Senior Policy Advisor at the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) will present insights into his current work with the ICA’s recently established Business Advisory Council, exploring ways to address insurance affordability and availability challenges. 

Matt Press, Director of the Office of the NSW Building Commissioner will discuss his experience delivering the Construct NSW transformation program, a unique strategy established to bring back public confidence in NSW’s residential building industry, involving initiatives in legislative reform, education, research, industry engagement and modernising Fair Trading.   

The morning panel session will be followed by a practical workshop, facilitated by Adjunct Associate Professor Bernie Harrison, Director of the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) Improvement Academy. Participants will learn how associations can use continuous quality improvement to bring about systemic change for risk reduction, better consumer outcomes and a stronger profession.  

Complete your registration via Eventbrite to secure your place: https://bit.ly/3sAZaOW