f Meet the speakers for the Forum on 15 April 2021 | Professional Standards Councils

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Meet the speakers for the Forum on 15 April 2021

A panel of regulatory, academic and association experts will speak at the next Professional Standards Forum on the theme ‘Trust and confidence: responding to community expectations’. The Forum will be held online on 15 April 2021.  


Andrew Lumsden, the Councils’ Deputy Chair and member for New South Wales, will examine how the social license to operate rests on high standards that are responsive to community expectations over time.  

Lauren Solomon, CEO of the Consumer Policy Research Centre will present research on ‘The five preconditions of effective consumer engagement’ and ‘Building customer trust’, sharing insights to inform regulatory interventions that can respond to community expectations.  

Kristen Wydell FCA, General Manager Professional Standards at Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) will introduce two reports commissioned by CA ANZ – ‘The future of trust’ and ‘The 21st Century Profession’ – and their findings on ethical behaviour as fundamental to maintaining, or rebuilding, public trust and confidence.  


Following the panel session, workshop speakers will present real-life case studies on how regulators and professions have incorporated community expectations and voices into their professional standards systems.  

Case studies will be presented by: 

  • The UK Legal Services Board, on the release of their 10-year strategy with a particular focus on the role of regulation in strengthening confidence and putting the consumer at the heart of legal services
  • Peter Gartlan, Independent chair of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority’s Consumer Advisory Panel 
  • Jane Eldridge, NSW State Manager of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

Following the case studies, workshops will be led by Peter Gartlan and Jane Eldridge. 

Click the image below to view the flyer or click here

Register now to secure your place: professionalstandardsforum.eventbrite.com.au

Registrations close 8 April 2021. 

The Forum will be presented again in October 2021, and the panel session at the April Forum will be recorded and available for viewing from our website.

Enquiries are welcome to: pscinfo@psc.gov.au.