f New appointment to the Professional Standards Councils | Professional Standards Councils

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New appointment to the Professional Standards Councils

The Professional Standards Authority is pleased to advise that the Queensland Attorney-General and Minister for Justice has appointed Ms Elizabeth Shearer to the Queensland Professional Standards Council, and nominated Ms Shearer for appointment to the other state and territory Councils.  

Ms Shearer brings experience from the legal profession to the Councils and has a keen interest in consumer protection and access to justice. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (Honours), Masters of Law and Management, and is a Churchill Fellow. 

Ms Shearer is a former President of the Queensland Law Society and chair of its Access to Justice / Pro Bono Committee. She is an Executive Director of the Law Council of Australia and a member of its Access to Justice Committee. She is also a director of the Australian Pro Bono Centre, a member of the advisory committee of the University of Queensland Pro Bono Centre, and a director of Lexon Insurance.  

We welcome Ms Shearer to the Councils and look forward to working with her in this important leadership role to protect Australian consumers by improving professional standards. 

Ms Shearer previously served on the Councils from July 2018 to January 2020. Her new appointment is from 4 May 2023 to 3 May 2026.