f New scheme application framework enters pilot phase | Professional Standards Councils

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New scheme application framework enters pilot phase

The Professional Standards Councils launched a new professional standards scheme application framework for pilot and feedback at a virtual event held on 28 July 2021. The event recognised the co-design work of the Councils, the Professional Standards Authority, occupational associations, consumer advocates and experts from the professional standards community.

NSW Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation, the Hon Kevin Anderson MP addressed the launch of the new framework, saying, ‘The Scheme Application Framework being launched today will provide very welcome assistance for organisations applying for a professional standards scheme ... It’s a great outcome for everyone, and one the Councils should be congratulated on.’ The Minister commended the Councils for exemplifying good regulatory practice to build trust and public confidence in the national system for professional standards regulation.

The Hon Kevin Anderson MP congratulates the Councils at the launch of the pilot phase of the scheme application framework.

Chair of the Professional Standards Councils, John Vines OAM, acknowledged the many contributors to the redesign and said the launch ‘marks the delivery of a significant undertaking by the Councils in collaboration with our stakeholders’.

The redesigned framework boasts new features and a modular approach to make completing an application for a scheme easier and more accessible.

The Councils encourage associations who are considering applying for a professional standards scheme to use the new framework, as the current Application Guidelines and Template will be phased out by mid-2022.

Co-designed with stakeholders and regulatory experts, the new framework enables more occupational associations to apply for professional standards schemes, increasing consumer protection and helping to broaden professional standards improvement across a range of occupational groups in response to emerging risks.

A dedicated project team has conducted two rounds of extensive testing and consultation with associations over the past six months to ensure completing the new framework is more user-friendly, more efficient, and faster.

The project has been guided by a Reference Group consisting of representatives from associations together with experts in fields such as regulation, consumer protection and professional standards.


View the recording of the launch event


Provide your feedback on the new framework

The Councils invite feedback and ideas from associations using the new scheme application framework throughout the pilot phase.

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