The Professional Standards Councils welcomes the NSW Government’s statement that they see the development of professional standards schemes in the built environment sector as a key part of the long-term solutions to address the changed landscape for professional indemnity insurance for certifiers and some other building professionals.
The Professional Standards Councils have been working to assist occupational associations in the built environment to improve occupational standards and consumer protection.
The Professional Standards Councils will brief the Building Ministers’ Forum in July 2019 on how the professional standards regime can complement the other regulatory reforms proposed in the 2019 Building Confidence Report Implementation Plan. If effectively established and monitored, schemes can assist in reaffirming the confidence and trust in the built environment sector for all Australian consumers.
Occupational associations in the built environment sector are encouraged to contact the Professional Standards Authority to find out how they can be assisted to develop professional standards to regulate their members and how to apply for a professional standards scheme.
The Professional Standards Councils are a national body established to protect consumers by improving professional standards across a range of industries, with over 77,000 members of occupational associations currently covered by a scheme.
For more information on Professional Standards Schemes, visit