f Professional Standards Councils publish strategic direction and goals | Professional Standards Councils

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Professional Standards Councils publish strategic direction and goals

The Professional Standards Councils have today published their three-year strategic intent and goals. Strategy 2021 sets out Councils’ vision and mission to raise standards of professional services of a broader range of occupational groups while responding to contemporary community expectations of achieving better consumer protection. Strategy 2021 builds on the work of past years, in which the councils have supported the steady growth of regulatory coverage in established professions. Through the implementation of Strategy 2021, the Councils will increase their focus on: assisting governments and associations in developing self-regulatory responses to improving the standards and protections in delivering professional services to consumers sharing the available data and evidence to drive and measure improvements in professional standards delivering clear and practical regulatory guidance to a broader range of occupational groups. The CEO of the Professional Standards Authority, Ms Roxane Marcelle-Shaw, said “Strategy 2021 articulates the Councils priorities and provides the Professional Standards Authority a clear and comprehensive course to support the achievement of Councils vision.” Progress on the strategic goals and outcomes against specific measures will be included in future Annual Reports. Strategy 2021 is available on the Professional Standards Councils website.