f PSC responds to Section 27(c) of Tas Act | Professional Standards Councils

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PSC responds to Section 27(c) of Tas Act

The Professional Standards Councils has provided a submission and response to the Tasmanian Government review of Section 27(c) of  the Professional Standards Act 2005 (Tas).

The review is being conducted by the Tasmanian Departments of Treasury and Finance, and Justice.

The Council responded to the consultation paper considering ‘…whether it is in the public interest, taking into account the interests of professionals, clients and the community more generally, to either retain or remove section 27(c) of the Professional Standards Act (Act).’ 

The Professional Standards Council of Tasmania, along with the national set of Professional Standards Councils, have a view that, notwithstanding the original intentions of the section 27(c), there are likely consumer protection and government benefits to be gained from its modification. 

The Councils came to this view after substantial consideration and experience of the way in which the combined Professional Standards Acts (PSL) perform their function in other jurisdictions.

Professional associations and bodies, insurers, consumer groups and other bodies are encouraged to provide their submissions to the review. A summary of the review's final report will be released publicly. 

The Professional Standards Councils' submission is availble upon request by contacting us