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Rapid evidence review on sexual harassment: a potential cause of consumer harm in the legal profession

The Professional Standards Councils have published a rapid evidence review on sexual harassment in the legal profession in its Research Library. Prepared by the Gendered Violence Research Network at the University of New South Wales, the review was commissioned to: 

  • identify and examine existing research about the extent of sexual harassment in the legal profession 

  • identify whether consideration has been given to any flow on effects to consumers.  

The rapid evidence review is the result of the Councils’ consultation with legal profession associations on identifying and treating risks to professional standards objectives arising out of sexual harassment.  

The research has been disseminated to the professional standards community. While the research focused on the legal profession, it is relevant to the regulation of professional standards across all occupations and professions.  

The Councils have encouraged associations with approved professional standards schemes to consider the valuable information and insights provided in the research to: 

  • inform their risk management strategies 

  • reduce the incidence of sexual harassment 

  • mitigate the potential risk of harm to Australian consumers.  

The full Rapid Evidence Review and Evidence Snapshot are available here.

If you would like more information about the rapid research review, please call the Professional Standards Authority on (02) 8315 0800 or email: