f Victorian Bar introduces new accreditation scheme | Professional Standards Councils

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Victorian Bar introduces new accreditation scheme

The Professional Standards Councils congratulate the Victorian Bar on the launch of Australia’s first accreditation scheme for criminal barristers, the Indictable Crimes Certificate (ICC).

The Victorian Bar began developing the ICC after it received a Professional Standards Grant (formerly known as a Star Grant) from the Councils in 2010. The grant helped it investigate the feasibility of the scheme, and explore how the ICC would be awarded.

“By introducing the ICC, the Victorian Bar has provided a clear way of identifying and awarding skilled criminal barristers with high professional standards,” said Dr Deen Sanders, the Councils’ Chief Executive Officer.

“We are delighted that the association’s Professional Standards Grant helped it launch this scheme.”

Victorian Bar Chairman, Will Alstergren QC, thanked the Councils for their help in making the ICC possible.

“We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Professional Standards Councils to investigate the prospect of developing this scheme,” he said.

“We anticipate [the ICC] will promote public confidence in our justice system, and serve the public interest by offering a clear and transparent way for everyone – the public, the profession, government and the courts - to identify skilled trial advocates.”