f The benefits of professional standards schemes | Professional Standards Councils

Professional Standards Research

The benefits of professional standards schemes

Limitation of liability and consumer protection measures.

A report released by the Professional Standards Councils in 2022 showed that professional standards schemes help improve risk management in the professions, which is to the benefit of Australian consumers, scheme participants and insurers.

The Councils commissioned consulting actuaries Taylor Fry to examine and evidence the benefits delivered by professional standards schemes.

Using three case studies – The Law Society of NSW, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and Australian Property Institute Valuers – the report focused on the effects of schemes on professional indemnity insurance and professional negligence claims, and consumer complaints. Favourable trends in the quantum and volume of notifications, insurance claims and complaints against participants of professional standards schemes, with consequent improvements in the cost and availability of professional indemnity insurance, were all linked to the successful operation of professional standards schemes.

The Councils commissioned a supplementary report in 2023 to provide additional context to these findings, including more detailed comparisons with industry benchmarks. These further demonstrate the positive impacts of professional standards schemes.

The Councils encourage all professional associations and insurers to use the report in working together to continuously improve standards and better protect consumers – the benefits are tangible and significant. As risks are reduced, so too are costs, consumer harms and complaints.

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