Research Library

Consumers and Risk

In line with their statutory functions, Councils identify and report on emerging issues to assist efforts to improve professional standards for better consumer protection. Occupational associations are encouraged to consider regulatory interventions appropriate to emerging consumer risks so that potential causes of harm can be prevented or mitigated.


Author(s): Jan Breckenridge, Mailin Suchting, Sara Singh, Georgia Lyons

This snapshot provides evidence of the prevalence of sexual harassment in the legal profession and identifies the various impacts it can have on legal professionals, workplaces, consumers, and strategies that have been implemented to address it.

From the evidence reviewed in this article, it is suggested that sexual harassment in the legal profession may have negative impacts on the productivity and quality of services consumers receive. To ensure consumers receive high quality services, effective risk management strategies are explored, including - the development of consistent workplace and professional standards, sexual harassment policies, training, reporting mechanisms and strategies to change the culture of the profession.

This snapshot of the rapid evidence review is intended to help inform the development of relevant risk management strategies and contribute to an understanding of sexual harassment of legal professionals as a potential cause of harm to consumers.

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