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Annual reporting recognition: 2024 Australasian Annual Reporting Awards

The Professional Standards Councils have been recognised in the 2024 Australasian Annual Reporting Awards (ARA) for their combined 2022/23 Annual Report. The Councils received a Bronze Award in the General Reporting category and were selected as finalists in the Online Reporting category for a combined 2022/23 Annual Report Microsite.

The General Award provides a measure of the standard of reporting against the best-practice ARA Criteria, while the Online Reporting Award recognises quality of presentation, accessibility and communication design using electronic mediums.

Chair of the Councils, Mr John Vines OAM, said the result was an acknowledgement of the Councils continued efforts towards quality reporting, accountability, and presentation of clear information to Parliament and the community.

“Annual reporting is important for communicating the Councils’ work in strengthening consumer protection and advancing professional standards. Receipt of an ARA Bronze Award is pleasing recognition and provides a solid foundation for continued improvement,” Mr Vines said.

“The Councils extend their thanks to scheme associations and jurisdictional policy officers, who contributed to the development of the report through submission of their annual statutory reporting.”

“We look forward to building on this success to further strengthen our annual reporting as a vital element in our governance process.”

The Councils were supported by creative agency Messy Collective in the design of the Annual Report and interactive Microsite.

The Professional Standards Councils’ combined 2022/23 Annual Report is available here.

Heidi Carr, John Vines, Roxane Marcelle-Shaw, Catherine McCullough & Linda Wilson
L-R: PSA Manager Supervision Heidi Carr, Councils’ Chair John Vines OAM, PSC CEO Roxane Marcelle Shaw, PSA Communication and Engagement Officer Catherine McCullough, and PSA Executive Officer Linda Wilson.