Research Library

Continuing professional development requirements

CPD benefits the professional undertaking the relevant activities; the profession or industry in which the professional works; and the community due to the professional having more up-to-date knowledge and more developed professional skills.


Author(s): Andrew Lumsden

This title explores the nature and importance of Continuing Professional Development (‘CPD’) requirements across a variety of professions. CPD plays an integral role in developing the skills and competencies of professionals, thus driving high-performance and building trust and transparency with consumers and clients of professional services.

This title sets out the CPD requirements across five professions: lawyers, doctors, accountants, engineers and financial planners. It should be read in conjunction with the CPD Programs and Practitioner Determined CPD titles, which provide a more detailed review of example CPD plans and activities across these professions.

This title has the following parts:

  • What is CPD?;
  • Purpose and rationale of CPD;
  • Key CPD requirements across different professions; and
  • Summary.
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